田多 Duo Tian
职位: 副教授、硕士生导师
2015年至2016年,受国家留学基金委资助,赴美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学(Washington University in St. Louis)联合培养
l 2019年国家社科基金青年项目(19CKG031)“青铜时代至早期铁器时代新疆天山沿线农作物遗存调查与研究”
l 中国博士后科学基金第66批面上资助项目(2019M663804)“新疆哈密白杨河流域植物考古调查资料整理”
l 2019年国家自然科学基金青年项目“西辽河地区全新世早中期旱作农业的演变过程与人类适应”
l 2017年度国家社科基金青年项目“中原地区青铜时代农作物遗存研究”
l 2017年度国家社科基金重大招标项目“宗日遗址考古发掘资料整理研究”
l 2014年度国家社科基金重大招标项目“新疆巴里坤石人子沟遗址群多学科综合考古研究报告”植物考古学研究负责人
l 2010年教育部西部规划项目“渭水流域史前的环境、人类和文化研究”
l 2021年“欧亚草原游牧文化的起源与发展”国际学术研讨会 发言题目《新疆天山沿线植物考古新发现》(主办单位:吉林大学)
l 2019年青藏高原及周边地区植物考古发现和研究国际学术研讨会 发言题目Crop Consumption in East Tianshan Mountains(主办单位:西北大学、伦敦大学学院、圣路易斯华盛顿大学)
l 2019年第八届中国植物考古学术研讨会 发言题目《东成西就:青铜时代晚期新疆天山沿线的大麦遗存》(主办单位: 中国考古学会植物考古专业委员会)
l 2019年美国考古学会(SAA)第84届年会 发言题目Diversity and Unity: Different Crop Consumption in East Tianshan Mountains, Northwest China (主办单位:美国考古学会SAA)
l 2018年度新疆考古成果汇报会 发言题目《新疆天山沿线的植物考古工作:从五堡墓地植物遗存谈起》(主办单位:新疆文物考古研究所)
Duo Tian, Marcella Festa, Dexin Cong, Zhijun Zhao, Peter Weiming Jia & Alison Betts. New evidence for supplementary crop production, foddering and fuel use by Bronze Age transhumant pastoralists in the Tianshan Mountains. Scientific Reports 11, 13718 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-93090-2(SCI索引期刊)
田 多 习通源 任 萌 马 健 王建新 赵志军: 《公元前一千纪新疆巴里坤地区的农业生产: 农田杂草视角》,《西域研究》2021年第3期,第72-82页。(CSSCI期刊)
田 多 马 健 任 萌 习通源 王建新 赵志军: 《新疆地区的早期大麦生产:来自天山北麓石人子沟遗址的植物遗存证据》,《中国农史》2021年第40卷,第3期,第44-55页。(CSSCI期刊)
Duo Tian, Jian Ma, et al. Cultivation of Naked Barley by Early Iron Age Agro-pastoralists in Xinjiang, China. Environmental Archaeology,第23卷,第4期,2018年11月刊,第416-425页。(SCI索引期刊)
Tian Duo 田多
Assistant professor
School of Cultural Heritage
Northwest University (NWU)
One Xuefu Dajie, Xi ’an, Shaanxi, China 710127
E-mail: tianduo@nwu.edu.cn
July 2021- Now
School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University (NWU), China
Position: Assistant professor
July 2018- July 2021
Institute ofMiddle Eastern Studies, Northwest University (NWU), China
Position: Post-doctoral Fellow
September 2014- July 2018
School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University (NWU), China
Major: Archaeology (Supervisor: Prof. Honghai Chen & Prof. Zhijun Zhao)
Degree: PhD
Research Focus: Paleoethnobotany, Prehistory in Xinjiang
August 2015- August 2016
Department ofAnthropology, Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Joint PhD. Student (Supervisor: Prof. Xinyi Liu)
Research Focus: Paleoethnobotany, Archaeology of Food
September 2013- July 2014
School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University (NWU), China
Major: Archaeology (Supervisor: Prof. Zhijun Zhao & Prof. Honghai Chen)
Degree: Finished the first year of Master degree study and enrolled as PhD directly
Research Focus: Paleoethnobotany, Prehistoric Archeology
September 2009- July 2013
School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University (NWU), China
Major: Archaeology
Degree: Bachelor’s Degree of History
April 2022
Curriculum Vitae
Duo Tian
Awards, Research Grants and Fellowships
2021-2024 Project grant entrusted by Xinjiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology. Project title: Archaeobotanical study on Kuiyukexiehai’er site (Koyuk Shahri), Xinjiang (PI: Duo Tian; CNY 185,000)
2021 PhD. dissertation Archaeobotanical Study on the Region ofEast Tianshan Mountains in the First Millennium BC: Shirenzigou-centric Perspective, awarded as Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Shaanxi Province by Shaanxi Academic Degree Committee (CNY 5,000 awarded to author Duo Tian by Northwest University)
2019-2023 The National Social Science Fund of China- Projects Grant for Youth Scholar. Project title: Investigation and study on crop remainsfrom Bronze Age to early Iron Age in Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang (PI: Duo Tian; Fund Number: 19CKG031; CNY 200,000)
2019-2021 China Postdoctoral Science Foundation-Projects Grant. Project title: Archaeobotanical study in Baiyanghe River Basin, Hami, Xinjiang (PI: Duo Tian; Fund Number: 2019M663804; CNY 50,000)
2016-2017 Second Class NWU Scholarship for PhD student (Award CNY 21,000 per year)
2015-2016 State Scholarship Fund for PhD. Students visiting the USA, awarded by Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) (Fund Number: 201506970009; Award international airfare and US$ 19,200 for living stipend)
2014 First Class NWU Academic Scholarship for PhD students (Award CNY 32,000)
2013 Second Class NWU Scholarship for Master students in 2013 (Award CNY 3,000)
2011 Honorable Mention of the 3rd National Contest of Cultural Heritage Knowledge for Youth, held by State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China, in Yanzhou, Shandong Province, China
2010-2012 Excellent Students of NWU (First Class Scholarship) for
undergraduates (Award CNY 3,000 per year)
Courses Taught
Origins of Agriculture (MA course, cooperate with Prof. Dorian Q Fuller in UCL)
April 2022 Curriculum Vitae Duo Tian
Introduction to World Archaeology (in Preparation)
Graduate supervision
Current supervision: 2 MAs: Lirui Liu (co-supervision with Prof. Honghai Chen) Xinyu Xia (co-supervision with Prof. Zhikun Ma) in archaeobotany.
Dang, Z., Li, C., Zhang, X., Xu, Y., Li, Y., Tian, D., & Zhang, C. (2022). Early urban occupation in the Tarim Basin: Recent fieldwork results from the fortified site of Kuiyukexiehai'er (Koyuk Shahri). Antiquity, 96(386), 463-470. doi:10.15184/aqy.2022.18
Tian Duo*, Festa, M. , Cong, D. , Zhao, Z. , & Betts, A.. (2021). New evidence for supplementary crop production, foddering and fuel use by bronze age transhumant pastoralists in the tianshan mountains. Scientific Reports, 11,
13718. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-93090-2
Tian Duo, Jian Ma, Meng Ren, Tongyuan Xi, Jianxin Wang, Zhijun Zhao (2021) Barley Cultivation in Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang: Evidence from carbonized remains in Shirenzigou Site, Barkol 新疆地区的早期大麦生 产:来自天山北麓石人子沟遗址的植物遗存证据. Zhongguo Nongshi 中国农史, 3, 44-55. (in Chinese)
Tian Duo, Jian Ma, Meng Ren, Tongyuan Xi, Jianxin Wang, Zhijun Zhao (2021) (2018) Agricultural Production in Barkol, Xinjiang in the First Millennium BC: The Perspective of Weeds 公元前一千纪新疆巴里坤地 区的农业生产: 农田杂草视角. Xiyu Yanjiu 西域研究, 3, 72-82. (in Chinese)
Li Y, Storozum M, Tian D, Frachetti M, Su K, Wang X. Farming strategies of 1st millennium CE agro-pastoralists on the southern foothills of the Tianshan Mountains: A geoarchaeological and macrobotanical investigation of the Mohuchahangoukou (MGK) site, Xinjiang, China. PLoS One. 2019 Jun 5;14(6):e0217171. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0217171.
Tian Duo*, Jian Ma, Jianxin Wang, Thomas Pilgram, Zhijun Zhao & Xinyi Liu*
(2018) Cultivation of Naked Barley by Early Iron Age Agro-pastoralists in Xinjiang, China, Environmental Archaeology, 23(4): 416-425, DOI: 10.1080/14614103.2017.1415121
April 2022
Curriculum Vitae
Duo Tian
Tian Duo (2018) The emergence of Millet in Pre-Qin Southern China and its environmental Backdrop 先秦时期中国南方地区粟的出现及其环境背 景. Jianghan Kaogu 江汉考古, 4, 48-56. (in Chinese)
Tian Duo (2013) Cultural Quality of Xiawanggang Remains in Yangshao Period: Focusing on Pottery 下王岗遗址仰韶时期遗存性质研究: 陶器视角. Journal of Chang’an University 长安大学学报, 15(4), 25-30. (in Chinese)
Tian Duo (2013) Comparative Studies of the Song and Jin Tomb Annals in Southern Shanxi Province 晋南地区宋金纪年墓对比研究. Journal of Beijing Institute ofEducation 北京教育学院学报, 27(4), 54-61. (in Chinese)
Tian Duo (2012) The Characteristics and Value of Landscape Architecture in Chang’an in Tang Dynasty 浅谈唐代长安城园林的特点及价值. New West 新西部, 21, 38-39. (in Chinese)
Guest and Conference Lectures
2021 (Duo Tian) "New Archaeobotanical Discoveries in Tianshan Mountians, Xinjiang" at the International Symposium of the Origin and Development of nomadic Culture on the Eurasian Steppe, Jilin University, in Changchun, China, September 28-29, 2021.
2020 (Duo Tian) "Seeds from the Middle East: Current Studies on Wheat and Barley in Chinese Archaeology" at Institute of Middle Eastern Studies, Northwest University, in Xi’an, China, November 13, 2020. (Guest lecture invited by Prof. Zhibin Han for graduate students in middle eastern studies)
2019 (Duo Tian) "Barley remains in Tianshan Mountians, Xinjiang" at the 8th Symposium of Chinese Archaeobotany, Xiamen University, in Xiamen, China, November 8- 11, 2019.
2019 (Duo Tian) "Diversity and Unity: Different Crop Consumption in East Tianshan Mountains, Northwest China" at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, in Albuquerque, NM, USA, April 10- 14, 2019.
2019 (Duo Tian) "Different Crop Consumption in East Tianshan Mountains " at Washington University in St. Louis, in St. Louis, MO, USA, April 10, 2019. (Guest lecture invited by Prof. Xinyi Liu for his course Archaeology of China: Food and people)
2019 (Duo Tian) "Early Development and cultural interflow of the Eastern
April 2022
Curriculum Vitae
Duo Tian
Tianshan Mountains" at Washington University in St. Louis, in St. Louis, MO, USA, April 6, 2019. (Guest lecture invited by Prof. T.R. Kidder & Prof. Xinyi Liu)
2019 (Duo Tian) "Archaeobotanical Research in Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang: Start with the Plant Remains in Wupu Cemetery" at 2018 Xinjiang Archaeological Achievements Briefing, in Urumqi, China, January 21-22, 2019.
2017 (Duo Tian) "Archaeobotanical Studies in Barkol, Xinjiang" at the 6th Symposium ofChinese Archaeobotany, Sun Yat-Sen University, in Guangzhou, China, November 10- 14, 2017.
Fieldwork Experience
2021-2022 Archaeobotanical fieldwork at Ducheng site in Han Dynasty, Shaanxi,
2021 Excavation at the fortified site of Kuiyukexiehai'er (Koyuk Shahri), Xinjiang, China
2021 Archaeobotanical survey on prehistoric sites in Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, China
2020-2021 Excavation and archaeobotanical sampling at Jiangliu site in Neolithic, Shaanxi, China
2019 Excavation at Haiziyan site in the Bronze Age, Xinjiang, China
2019 Archaeobotanical survey in Baiyanghe River Basin, Hami, Xinjiang, China
2018 Archaeological survey in Daheigou site in the Bronze Age, Barkol, Xinjiang, China
2018 Archaeological survey on the prehistoric sites in Yiwu, Xinjiang, China
2017 Excavation at Haiziyan site in the Bronze Age, Xinjiang, China
2016 Excavation at Cahokia, IL, USA
2013 Excavation at Adunqiaolu site in the Bronze Age, Wenquan, Xinjiang, China
2012 Excavation at Shirenzigou and Hongshankou site, Barkol, Xinjiang, China