
Duan Qingbo

2019年12月12日 22:30  点击:[]

Duan Qingbo, majored in Archaeology in Northwest University and received his Ph.D.in History in 2007. He had been engaged in the field archaeology in Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology , and now is serving as the professor in the School of Cultural Heritage of Northwest University and part time professor of Sichuan University. He focuses on Qin-Han Dynasty Archaeology.

He has taken charge of many archaeology projects, such as the excavation of Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum since 1998, and now is the director of the investigation in the Great Wall of Ming Dynasty in Shaanxi Province.

In addition, a series of archaeological reports and research papers by Professor Duan have been published such asArchaeology Report on the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum,Chinese Old Pottery.

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